четверг, 12 октября 2017 г.

Paperback “Reducing the Contract Amount” by Polina Shinkina

“Reducing the Contract Amount” is a one-topic textbook from the series of the textbooks related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language. The textbook contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this textbook is developing speaking and writing skills by means of studying general questions. The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

The grammar of this textbook presents different types of general questions, such as general questions with modal verbs and alternative questions. Each exercise includes one type of question and it makes the study process comfortable and easy to memorize.


Tags: Chinese, mandarin, business, trading, marketing, commercial, paperback, textbook, eBook, contract, dictionary, character, radicals, correspondence, decomposition, skills, speaking, writing, language, talks, negotiations, multiplication, number, subtraction, terms, division, alternative, discussion, question, quotation, addition, memorize

вторник, 3 октября 2017 г.

Paperback “Comparing Quotations” by Polina Shinkina

“Comparing Quotations” is a one-topic textbook from the series of the textbooks related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language. The textbook contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this textbook is developing speaking skills by means of studying general questions. The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

The grammar of this textbook contains different types of general questions including general questions with modal verbs and alternative questions. Each exercise includes one type of question and it makes the study process comfortable and easy to memorize.

The textbook also includes the Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance. The characters are decomposed on the principle from a larger to a smaller number of strokes in each component up to the final radical.    

Tags: Chinese, mandarin, business, trading, marketing, commercial, paperback, textbook, eBook, contract, dictionary, character, radicals, correspondence, decomposition, skills, speaking, writing, language, talks, negotiations, multiplication, number, subtraction, terms, division, alternative, discussion, question, quotation, addition, memorize, comparing  

четверг, 14 сентября 2017 г.

The Chinese Business EBook No. 23 Published by Polina Shinkina!

Polina Shinkina has self-published the 23rd  Chinese business eBook ‘Parties Obligations’ on www.lulu.com.

‘Parties Obligations’ is an excerpt from Polina Shinkina’s ‘Purchase and Sales Contract Part 1’ eBook. It is designed for a wide range of the Chinese language learners and teachers as a supplementary material in their Chinese business lessons.

This eBook includes the following contract provisions: obligations of contracting parties,
payment for goods, accepting goods, advanced payment, contract validity period, authorized representative of buyer, freight forwarder, quality of goods,  meeting required standards.

The text of the excerpt is followed by the glossary in the form of a word-for-word translation, list of used characters and the Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance with all decomposed Chinese characters used in this eBook.

For detailed description and preview please browse Polina Shinkina’s Author Spotlight page

Tags: advanced, authorized, business, buyer, characters, Chinese, contract, contracting, decomposition, dictionary, eBook, freight forwarder, goods, language, obligations,  parties, payment, provisions, purchase, quality, sales, seller, standards, textbook

пятница, 8 сентября 2017 г.

Polina Shinkina: The 19th Chinese Business Textbook Published!

Polina Shinkina has self-published the nineteenth Chinese business writing textbook - ‘Business Email Writing for Beginners’ on www.lulu.com.

It is the second eBook from the series of the Chinese email correspondence textbooks for beginners.

Specially designed as a beginning course for the Chinese language learners this textbook will be a great helping hand for the applicants seeking successful employment in the area of the international business and trading relations.

It can also be used by the Chinese language teachers as a supplementary material in their Chinese business writing lessons.

You can get more details at  Polina Shinkina’s Author Spotlight page

воскресенье, 27 августа 2017 г.

汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 街 jiē ‘street’

 xíng  walk,
 chì  step,
丿  piě  slash,
 rén  man,
 guī  tablet of jade,
 tǔ  earth,
 shí  ten,
 yī  one,
 gǔn  line,
 yī  one,
 tǔ  earth,
 yī  one,
 dīng  man,
 yī  one,
 jué  hook,

行彳丿亻圭土十一丨一土 一丁一亅

Chinese, Character, Breakdown, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

понедельник, 21 августа 2017 г.

The Top Chinese Character Decomposition Blogs

1. Chinese Characters Decomposed
Chinese Language Community - Google+

2. Chinese Characters Decomposition on Reddit
Chinese Language Study Group

3. Chinese Characters Study
Chinese Language Community - Google+

4. Medium Chinese Language Blog

5. Chinese Characters Decomposition

6. Chinese Characters Decomposition on Blogger.com

7. Decomposition Stream Blog on quora.com

8. Decomposition Immensity

9. My First Steps in Chinese

10. Chinese Characters Decomposition on Disqus.com

11. Lydmila Katyuschenko – Google+

12. Aspiration Wave Chinese Language Community

13. Pearl Eternity

14. 美国汉字学者 USA Chinese Characters Fans

15. The Chinese Radicals and Tones on Pinterest.com

16. Compound Chinese Characters on Pinterest.com

17. Top Mandarin Chinese for Beginners on Pinterest.com

18. Chinese Character Decomposition on Pinterest.com

汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 带 dài ‘carry’

  sà thirty,
  yī one,
  chuān river,
丿  piě slash,
  gǔn line,
  jué hook,
  mì cover,
  jīn turban,
  jiōng down box,
  gǔn line,


Breakdown, Character, Chinese, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

пятница, 14 июля 2017 г.

检 jiǎn ‘check’

汉字分解 Decomposition of the Chinese Character    jiǎn  ‘check’ 

 mù  tree,
 shí  ten,
 yī one,
 gǔn  line,
 bā  eight,
 qiān  sign,
𠆢  rén  man,
 yī  one,
 xiǎo  small,
 zhǔ  dot,
 zhǔ  dot,
丿  piě  slash,
 yī  one,

木十一丨八佥𠆢 一ツ丶丶丿一

Chinese, Character, Breakdown, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

суббота, 17 июня 2017 г.

“The Chinese Numerals for Businessmen” by Polina Shinkina

The textbook “The Chinese Numerals for Businessmen” by Polina Shinkina gives the learners clear understanding of the numerals from 1 to 1 000 000.

The six lessons of this textbook include exercises on arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

All exercises are preceded by examples and patterns in the lessons and followed by answers at the end of the textbook. Such lessons composition makes the process of learning comfortable and friendly.

This textbook can be used by self-learners and in all educational institutions as a supplementary teaching tool.

вторник, 6 июня 2017 г.

About Textbook “The Chinese Business Emails Samples&Wording”

Polina Shinkina has just self-published 17th Chinese textbook “The Chinese Business Emails Samples&Wording”! Enjoy learning!

Different in size six awesome email letter samples included into this textbook form clear understanding of the Chinese modern email correspondence.

The letters highlight marketing, commercial, export, advertising, terms of payment and express delivery subjects and can be used as the email templates in the daily office international correspondence.

This textbook is designed for a wide range of learners. It also can be used by the Chinese language teachers as a part of their Chinese business writing programs.

The Chinese Business Emails Samples&Wording

среда, 10 мая 2017 г.

The Successful Method for Teaching the Chinese Writing

During my teaching practice I have seen many students from different countries who sincerely exclaimed: “At last I have started understanding the Chinese characters!”

The Chinese language is one of the simpliest world’s languages in terms of grammar. Speaking and tones are also relatively simple.

The most difficult aspect of the Chinese language is writing. What should be done to teach students effectively? What is the right and shortest way to solid writing skills? How to turn the difficult into the simple?

My answer to all is the Chinese character decomposition. It is the only teaching tool which makes the Chinese characters understandable and fills the writing process with delighted easiness.

In fact, is there a simplier method for teaching the Chinese characters other than the Chinese character decomposition:

汉字分解 Decomposition of the Chinese Character    bīn  ‘visitor’

 mián roof,
 zhǔ dot,
 mì cover,
 bīng army,
 qiū grave,
 hǎn cliff,
 yī one,
 gǔn line,
 yī one,
 bā eight,   


I wish great success to all Chinese language teachers and learners!

среда, 19 апреля 2017 г.


The publications include but not limited to: Chinese commercial correspondence, Chinese marketing correspondence, Chinese financial correspondence, business writing Chinese, Chinese characters decomposition, Chinese numbers, addition in Chinese, subtraction in Chinese, multiplication in Chinese, division in Chinese.

1. Nicolay Shinkin - Facebook

2. Lyudmila Katyuschenko

3. Aspiration Wave

4. Pearl Eternity

The best self-study books to learn Chinese

пятница, 24 марта 2017 г.

Reddit.com - Chinese Language Study Groups

The Blogs publications include but not limited to: Chinese commercial correspondence, Chinese marketing correspondence, Chinese financial correspondence, business writing Chinese, Chinese characters decomposition, Chinese numbers, addition in Chinese, subtraction in Chinese, multiplication in Chinese, division in Chinese.

1. Learn Chinese for Commercial Communication
Chinese Language Study Group

2. Chinese Business Correspondence Textbooks
Chinese Language Study Group

3. Chinese Marketing Correspondence
Chinese Language Study Group

4. Chinese Commercial Correspondence
Chinese Language Study Group

5. Chinese Financial Correspondence
Chinese Language Study Group

6. Learning Chinese Contract
Chinese Language Study Group

7. Chinese Business Talks
Chinese Language Study Group

8. Chinese Characters Decomposition
Chinese Language Study Group

9. Chinese Numbers Study
Chinese Language Study Group

воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.

我在英国学中文 Chinese Language Community

我在英国学中文  Chinese Language Community

Welcome to 我在英国学中文Chinese Language Community!

This community is created for all Chinese language learners and self-learners.
The main idea of this community is to share ideas how to learn Chinese business contract words and expressions and use them in practice.

Anyone is welcomed to share online learning resources, textbooks, opinions.